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The 4 Stages of Solo Travel

The 4 Stages of Travelling Solo

You are planning to travel solo because either you prefer it or everyone else is too busy to join you. May be, you have been wanting to travel solo for a long time and may be, you will travel solo this year!  However, how is it like to travel solo? To start with, solo travelling is an awesome experience. This will be a decision you will not regret. According to me, it is like a rollercoaster ride when you take your first ever solo travel trip. Let us try splitting it into 4 stages. Let’s buckle up and go for a ride! 🙂

Stage 1: State Of Confusion Before The Trip

It took me a while to go for my first solo trip. I remember writing a blog “7 reasons why should we stop making excuses and go solo” back in 2016 for one of the popular travel communities. I think that was the first time I thought of going for a solo trip and co-incidentally, that was also my first blog ever!  

So, was I confident to take a solo trip then? Hell no! The idea of solo travelling is a plethora of emotions – it’s fun, scary, confusing and self-fulfilling at the same time. The very act of travelling solo for the first time seems surreal. The best thing to do is to book that damn ticket and your half the battle is won!

Stage 2: Travel Day Fear 

All those fears of travelling solo will haunt you when you head to board your flight, train or bus on your D-day! “Am I going to be fine”? “Am I actually doing this”? The realisms of travelling solo will hit you. The fear of leaving your comfort zone will get you a little panicky. From my personal experience, all I would say is to remind yourself that traveling is the best gift you can give it to yourself. Don’t fear the unknown. Just go for it!!

Stage 3: Mixed Emotions Upon Reaching The Destination  

At this stage, the highs are numerous. You feel so excited of your new surroundings and you are euphoric that you are travelling alone! You have that liberating feeling as soon as you reach the destination and you start envisioning your itinerary.

However, this stage is also that of combating with mixed emotions that may arise! Trust me, every traveller has to face this stage at some point. No matter how beautiful the place is, boredom is inevitable. You eat alone, you venture out alone, and you sleep alone! Is that mind-numbing? Initially, yes! Getting bored or getting lost is bound to happen and it is part of your trip. However, the good news is, before you even realise, you will be slaying on your solo trip. Solo travelling will lead you to do the unexpected. You will be thrilled to do things that you were earlier uncomfortable with.

Trust me, the new confidence of learning about yourself is exhilarating. You can deal with the situations and you feel balanced and happy. I personally, felt a renewed confidence in myself.

Stage 4: Time To Say Goodbye

It’s time to wrap up! Take a deep breath; congratulations you have made it to the end of your trip!

Solo trip makes you realise that it’s easier to make friends than you thought; it’s easier to interact with locals than you thought and it’s easier to fall in love with your own company. Suddenly, your world will feel bigger and before you know it, you will be inspired to go on another solo trip!

The experience may not be perfect. Allow yourself to feel the ups and downs of this solo trip. The experience will either be a hit or a miss, but you will surely bring home some unforgettable memories that you will cherish for the rest of your life.

Are you about to take your solo trip or have you already been travelling solo? I’d love to hear from in your comments.


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